What Is the Purpose of Friendship?

Misbah Anjum
3 min readApr 8, 2019


First of all the question comes in mind is what is frndship.?

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people.

A Good Friend Is Honest. Good friends may not share every detail of every second of their life, but they do try to be clear about their intentions. This means that they try to present an accurate picture of who they are and how they respond in different situations. When something doesn’t seem right, they let you know.

There are three types of friendship. One type is for a mutual benefit, one is for satisfaction and one is for the sake of a higher purpose.

Example for the type of frndship mutual benefit two friends that are partner in business who have a mutual desire for financial gain.They are a partnership and have a goal that they will mutually benefit from, as the result of their paired efforts. Another type of friendship is the two friends, husband and wife, who grant each other satisfaction and trust during marriage. They can rely and depend on each other with the goal of raising their family to live the correct life and serve God. The close friendship of siblings or close friends, can also be for satisfaction as they can rely on each other and do not withhold anything. They are not worried that they will be shamed or embarrassed in private or public. Friends who trust each other genuinely will gain tremendous satisfaction from the friendship. They will get great benefit from talking together and sharing each other’s company. A friendship that is established for the sake of a higher purpose is based on both parties who have an objective: wanting to do good. An example of this is a teacher and student, as each needs the other.

A good friend is “half wife”

This one statement actually is more than enough to explain the significance of a friend in life.

Just as a wife is loyal to her husband or husband to a wife a good friend is loyal to his friend always in any situation.

They share and care.

A friend share our happiness when we succeed and when we are happy. And a good friend always try to help us in all ways…

Instead of building friendships with random people, we tend to build bonds with people who share the common interests, share common values, have gone through the same difficulties, and who support each other equally.

We also want to have fun with people who we can be silly with.

Life is stressful; and we’re taught to always be serious and mature at work and in life as a grown-up. Imagine yourself as an elastic band, if you kept on pulling yourself and stayed tense, you’d eventually break.

And we need someone’s help to clarify our minds.

Many people will walk in and out of your life… but only true friends will leave a pootpaths in your heart.

Great gift of god is friendship and i have received it..

Specially for my college friends…

