
Misbah Anjum
5 min readMay 10, 2019

Education system plays a very important role in making the world a better place to live in a most civilized way.

A country is said to be developed only if it has a very good education system. It works towards creating gender equality in all the fields that ,Even though gender equality is been respected in all parts of the world, there are still thousands of doubts raised about having a co-education in schools, colleges etc

What is co-education?

Co-education is a system where both the genders (male and female) participate in the same learning center or an educational institution.

In this process, both the genders would benefit equally in learning or attaining knowledge from the institution. This method of education even though is becoming common all over the world, there are still few parts of the country who feel sometimes segregation is for the betterment of learning process.

In our country the idea of co-education has become a controversial issue. One group of people is in favour of co-education while the other group considers it a deadly weapon against the golden Islamic and social traditions.

Advantages of Co-Education:

A good education system is said to be progressive only if it respects both the genders and giving the same education under a single roof.

1. Develops mutual respect:

Co-education allows both the genders to mingle with each other and to know how to co-exist with respect.

By this process of getting mingled under one learning institution, they develop a mutual understanding towards each other. And there is no place of hesitation or partiality among the genders when it comes to performing activities like cultural, academics or sports.

People get to know how to respect each other and their emotional level.

2. Helps to overcome the fear of opposite gender:

In general, there are a lot of differences in behavior of both the genders which brings in fear and hesitance in striking a conversation, this fear can be for a boy or a girl.

This kind of shyness, hesitation or fear can be overcome when they are put up in a co-education system where they will be compelled to talk and create a friendly environment without any fear.

3.healthy competition:

Competition is always an essential part in any kind of challenges in life be it personal or professional. And especially in education, it is good to have a healthy competition among the peers which lets you learn how to cope with your failures early in life no matter who the winner is.

When it comes to opposite genders it would be more competitive because of your ego, and this is one good way to improve the personal standards so that you don’t get personal on every failure.

4.Encourages the survival in the future:

Survival in the future for any of the gender in today’s world can happen only when we learn to co-exist.

From working together to making a marriage successful is all about teamwork and the effort given by both male and female. Team building activities in early stages help both the genders to learn how to co-exist and this can only be provided in the co-educational system.

5. Promotes a controlled environment:

When both the genders are put up in the same environment, there are more possibilities of following good ethics, disciplined use of language, and proper dressing etc.

Disadvantages of Co-Education system:

Every establishment has pros as well as cons and hence we need to look at every angle before we decide in which direction we have to go.

Though there are many advantages of having a co-education system.

1. Chances of distractions could be more:

Teenage is a very dangerous phase in anybody’s life. It is very common among the teens to undergo psychological changes when they are in the company of the other gender and feel attracted towards them.

And especially, where they are in a process of defining their career path, it could cause a lot of distractions and might disturb their knowledge gain period.

2. Unethical activities:

Crimes have become common when both the genders are put up in the same education environment.

There might be a lot of characteristic changes among boys and girls. When they mismatch, some ferocious kids tend to commit various harassments, physical toughness, and emotional stress to people around.

The weaker lot can suffer at the hands of the opposite sex pushing them into depression and other physiological problems. Hence, people hesitate to support co-education system to ensure that their kids are in a safe environment and this is especially for the girls.

3.More involvement in personal feelings:

As the saying goes, opposite things attract each other, it applies to the human world also. Attractions among the opposite genders are the most commonly used excuse to avoid co-education system.

It is natural to get physically attracted to the other gender at a crucial age of life where curiosity takes over your heart. So, parents feel co-education is a risky task to take forward as they can have an easy access to distractions within the institutions.

An emotional involvement at an early stage can come with lot of baggage that can force a child to deviate from their goals.


There are both advantages as well as disadvantages for any kind of education system including the co-education system. The real good social environment will nurture the positives of the society and help in dealing with the negatives in a dignified manner.

There is no educational system in the world that has eradicated the negatives of the society but a co-educational system can definitely work towards mending the gap between the genders and building a bridge of friendship. In this promising era of empowerment, though a debate on coeducation is going on, it is very essential to have a co-education system to fit the survival of environment where both the genders have their place .

